Add your color to the world!!

We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God isn´t content with using the same mold to create all of us. In fact, i like to think in order to paint this big canvas we call “world”, God uses a different color to create each one of us.

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-03 a la(s) 10.46.27 2.png
Unfortunately, we as humans tend to think our color isn´t as bright, delicate, beautiful or important as those around us, and in doing so we stop ourselves from pouring out the unique color we have inside. It´s true that our color may be different from the other ones, but that´s exactly what God planned. In order to turn this world into a masterpiece He needs the exact tone only YOU can give. So don´t get frustrated if you can’t add the same colors others add; instead be proud that you can add your own essence… a special color no one else can.

Just imagine if blue felt jealous of green; so upset cause he can´t paint the trees and the grass that he would forget to paint the sea and the sky. Or if yellow was so focused on becoming pink that would forget to make the sun shine. If all colors wanted to be the same our world would lose so much beauty in the act.

Now think how every color is needed to make a painting work. In the canvas, colors don´t compete; each one has a purpose and together they bring harmony to it. 🎨

So next time you are doubting of your beauty or your worth, just remember about this. God was creative enough to give you a unique color, a specific purpose that only you can fill. Don´t underestimate it. What you have to offer is greater than you believe. Your color is precious. The world would not look the same without your hue. Please make sure to paint it as only you can do. 💛

19 thoughts on “Add your color to the world!!

  1. First time visiting your site 🙂 this is the first post I saw. One thing I kind of do to try to understand things is relate them to movies a little bit (I’m a movie buff, no shame) but this post reminded me of a scene in The Prince of Egypt. Jethro is speaking of how no one man can see his purpose in God’s grand design. Just because we can’t see a point to our lives, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. But one thing for sure–each one of us has been fearfully and wonderfully made by God and we have infinite worth in His eyes!

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