Prayer corner

I am so thankful for everything my “yellow road” has brought and taught to me. I´m thankful for the people i have connected with; the people who have shared their struggles, dreams and fears with me.

Every time i read from you i wish i could hug you. I wish i could change your situation and take away any pain you feel. I wish i could do more. And sometimes i worry the only thing i can offer you is my words.

But i believe in the power of community. And i believe something wonderful happens when we join together in prayer. Miracles happen. Fear somehow turns into hope.

My dear yellow readers, i want to know…are you struggling with something? If you answered yes, let me tell you one thing: You are NOT alone. I deeply care about you. I don´t know what season you are going through, but i am here to talk. Tell me anything. Tell me everything. I want to stand with you and support you every step of the way. It´s been laid in my heart to pray more for you.

My dear yellow world seeks to be a safe place where we can talk real and share our vulnerabilities. Where strangers become friends. Where you encounter other people you can relate to; people who believe in you and lift you up. I want to create a supportive space. That´s what i am here for.

So i opened this new “prayer corner” especially dedicated for you. If you have any prayer request, wether it is for you or for someone you love, just let me know. You can write them right here and ask other people to join your prayer. Or you can simply write me to if you want to keep it in private. Never hesitate to write me. I promise i´ll read. I am here for you.


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