Missionaries of the Poor!!

Hello yellow friends!!! Life has been full of changes so it´s been a long time since my last post, but a really loved friend persuaded me to come back and write again. So here i am. And today i want to share with you one of the most wonderful experiences of my life….

Two years ago i went to the Missionaries of the Poor and still there isn´t a day that goes by where i don´t think about the people i met; the love and transformation i experienced there. So i will tell you a bit of my time there hoping that you will feel inspired to meet them.

I found out the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) on internet and i instantly felt my heart was calling me to meet them and be part of their beautiful work. So i contacted them and as soon as they answered i flew there. I didn´t know much what to expect, but from the moment i arrived i realized Jesus was all over the place.

MOP Brothers have different centers where they attend residents with some physical and/or mental disabilities, HIV/AIDS, etc. They are incredibly cheerful and radiate joy everywhere + the way they sing and pray makes you feel truly alive. One can see the love of God through their eyes and it´s incredibly inspiring to see them giving their life. So contagious!!

xxx copia
A heavenly smile!

People think it´s a big challenge to see disfigured bodies, abandoned children or ill people all around. And i would lie if i told you it´s not something that breaks your heart the first moment you arrive. But things start to change as soon as you get to know them.

Bob, the owner of my heart!!!

After hugging or talking with them you realize your life has been changed. At least that´s what i felt. It was shocking to find out that my spiritual poverty was bigger than the material/physical poverty you could see there. It reminded me of the culture i live in, where we tend to place things over souls. Where we reject the people who isn´t “useful” or treat them differently just because they are sick or poor or simply different at any way.

Instead, i came to a place where “these people” are seen and valued for being exactly who they are. They provide them not only a place but a home. It was touching to realize how much poverty i have inside yet how much they accepted and loved me no matter what. But most of all, how much they received my love. Without any resentment or mistrust.

The most contagious smile i know!



We live in a society where people is constantly afraid to be vulnerable and trust in others. But, not even 5 minutes after meeting them, they already made me feel as if i was part of them. That made me realize how much we are missing a hug or gentle touch to make others feel close and safe with us. The world would be much better if we made an effort to recognize each other´s beauty instead of judging or disqualifying everyone. If we tried to make others feel special. 

This experience taught me so much about patience, love, gratitude…about how much pleasure a smile or a few loving words can bring, about the joy of selfless giving, about being empty vessels poured in by God and poured out to the community. About the joy we can still find in the midst of our pain and struggles. 

Celebrating the miracle of life!


I also happened to meet the most wonderful group of volunteers which made this trip even more special. It is such a joy to meet people who have hope in the future. People who make you feel like family. People who encourage you to grow. 

Volunteers that became family!!

After working there i realized the best thing we all can do is to offer ourselves, wholehearted, through the fear and the mess. It is incredibly easy. And it can change the world.

Coming back home was harder than I thought. But I came with a desire to jump out from my comfort zone again and again, to be used and molded by God and let more people spread the love. Cause, i believe there will be no little things as long as they are made with love. 💛

Note: I only went for the summer, but this Brothers are working there EVERY SINGLE DAY. They are offering themselves day and night in the most inspiring way. I wanna make sure more people get to know the work of this angels on earth, so i´m sharing a link for a video a friend made as well as the link of their site in case you want to know more, hoping that you will feel inspired to go. Also, donations/prayers would be greatly appreciated. They are real superheros. Let´s encourage them!!!!!

Link for the video

Link for the MOP site

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